Monday, October 22, 2007

Phillips or Flat-head?

Carey called from California yesterday. We parents always get cold chills when a conversation begins, "I just called to let you know that Brady is OK, but....."

It began as your normal Sunday afternoon.....Carey was napping on the couch, probably watching an old movie behind closed eyelids, when Nathanial and TJ came tearing downstairs, screaming, "Brady can't breathe through his nose! Brady can't breathe through his nose!" Unfortunately, Carey only heard "Brady can't breathe" and levitated off the couch and up the stairs in a flash.

Brady, who turned 3 on October 16th, had apparently stuck a foreign object up his nose. (See my blog entry for October 3). Brady kept telling Carey to "Get a strudryber" - but neither he nor Brandy could decipher what a 'strudryber' was. Trying unsuccessfully to pull out the Unidentified Object, Carey and Brandy flipped a coin to decide who got to take him to the local hospital and who stayed home with the other two boys. Brandy lost.

A trip to the ER determined that Brady had inserted a screw in his nose - with the pointy end going in first. Luckily there was no damage and the offending screw was removed - after he was given a light sedation. He didn't want the doctor trying to fetch the object either! Well, after all, he HAD told them to get a 'strudryber' and no one would listen!

Oh, and by the was a Phillips Head.