Monday, November 3, 2008

No one pays attention to flight attendants any more. Did you ever notice that? The poor things stand up in the isle of the plane juggling their oxygen masks, seat belts, and Disaster 'What If' cards and everyone on board is either talking to someone or reading or sleeping. The teacher in me wants to start screaming "Hush, and listen!"

What is wrong with this picture?? Travis and I just returned from San Antonio via Atlanta. This required 4 take-offs and 4 landings. Every single time the flight attendants were giving their preflight instructions I LISTENED. Not only did I listen EACH time but I followed along in the Disaster 'What If' card. Hello????

Cell phones. Folks TURN THEM OFF FOR GOD'S SAKE! While it is unlikely that your call during take-off is going to take control of the airplane, I'm not taking any chances.