Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Heart of an Old Friend

Last week I was forced to make the most difficult decision of my life. My longtime 4 legged companion, Gizmo, was in failing health and I knew it was time to fulfill the promise I had made - that I would not allow him to live without dignity.

That time came when he was almost blind and nearly deaf. His days existed of eating his meals and sleeping. That was it. He did not like to play with the other dogs; he no longer enjoyed being held. I suspect that is because his old joints hurt and any movement was difficult for him.

Truthfully, I admit that I prolonged this decision much longer than I should have. I was keeping him here for me - not him.

Gizmo was a good dog. He is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge where one day we will be together again.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

God is Good

I got the world's best news today. My cancer has not returned. I've been literally holding my breath for a week waiting to hear the results of the biopsy I had on December 1.

A person can only hold their breath for so long without exploding - or in my case, imploding. Going through the motions, not wanting to answer the phone, fake smile, one foot in front of the other, autopilot, sure I'm fine, NO I'm not!

Yes, I am!!!:-) I am good, Left Breast is good, as well! I love life. God is Good....Always.