The miracle of birth. A new life. So fragile, so loved. Travis and I are blessed to have a new grandson, Tristan Cole Riggs.
After a harrowing day involving words like toxcemia, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, Welcome to Texas, Speed Limit 75 MPH, and what seemed like thousands of exit numbers, Travis and I arrived at the Baytown Methodist Hospital just a mere 15 minutes before 'closin' time.' I was genuinely concerned as to how hospital security was going to keep him out if we did not make it in time! Jason's first baby.....I don't think so!
Isn't it amazing how you can know that a baby is due to arrive and you are excited, bla, bla, bla. Then you see that precious child, hold him in your arms, and know that your life will never be the same because you fall instantly, totally in love with him.
Tristan makes 10. Numbers 11 and 12 are due between now and the end of May. With each baby we will once again fall instantly, totally in love with them. We have lots of love, Travis and I.