Monday, April 7, 2008

Go Tigers Go!

On Sunday morning we received a phone call from Mother's alarm company informing us that her house alarm had been activated. We knew Mother was in church so we weren't overly worried but felt the necessity to go over and check out the house anyway. Travis used the code to get inside and quickly found the culprit.....a giant helium tiger head was floating back and forth in front of her motion detector.

We had all gathered at Mother's house on Saturday evening to watch the Tigers beat UCLA and Debby brought the tiger balloon to add to the festivities! Just like our Memphis Tigers, that balloon wasn't ready to quit!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Mother of Boys

Let us be thankful for the fools.
But for them the rest of us could not succeed.
-Mark Twain

April 1st is one of those days that teachers pray will fall on a weekend....not so this year. Surprisingly, this year's jokes did not center around the 12-year-old Lab Rats with which I spend the majority of my days.

The fun began when Taylor, my 20 (hoping to see 21) year-old son, sent a text message to my cell phone. His message read, "I just won 50 grand on a 2 dollar lotto ticket!!!" Yes, I fell for it. I called him back immediately only to hear "April Fool!" Not funny.......

Later that evening, Carey called, as he often does to give us updates on his impending graduation from ET school. After a few minutes of listening to Brady tell me that he lives in The California and that Mammy lives in The Bartlett and asking when Mammy and PawPaw were coming to The California, Carey took over the phone. He told me about how he and the other guys are finishing up the last class and going over paperwork for their new duty stations. He then tells me that there may be a slight glitch in his assignment to Pascagoula, Mississippi. As I am being sucked deeper into the story, he says, "Mom, it looks like they are going to change our assignment to Kodiak, Alaska.

KODIAK, ALASKA?????? What the !#$%! "April Fool!" Not funny.......

What is that old saying about the Mother of Boys?